Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Indivisible: Janne Larsen's 2D students

I am happy to present square number 27 created by a high school student in artist and educator Janne Larsen's class at Pilgrim School in Los Angeles:

Unity, water media on paper, 2017.

This beautiful piece was created in Janne's 2-Dimensional class.  The students are fortunate to have access to many guest artists, various materials and other art resources at their school. Hooray for the Arts, Art Educators and Art Supporters! I will be posting more work from their class, and I am grateful to Janne and her students for their participation in the Indivisible Project.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Indivisible: Joshua Levine

I am pleased to present squares number 25 and 26 created by wonderful Los Angeles artist and friend Joshua Levine:

One Boat (small), photographic collage on paper, 2017.

One Boat (large), photographic collage on paper, 2017.

These works are excellent reminders that we are all in this space/place together, sharing our neighborhoods, our communities, our cities, our countries, our one planet. No two ways about it, we are linked to one another and are responsible for each other and the world we live in.

Josh works in a variety of media but is most know for his sculptures and installation which you can see here.

Please keep sending your squares to the Indivisible Project!

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Indivisible: Kathryn Frund

Square number 24 is a beautiful and poignant mixed media work created by Kathryn Fund with the New Haven Friends Meeting stitch group:

Murmurations, mixed media(origami,sewing) on paper 2017.

An image of the back of Murmurations.

Above is a statement about the work from the artist Kathryn Frund: 

"Holding in the light the refugees of climate change, especially those fleeing Syria, in the hope that our government will stop seeing them as fearful burdens to our country, and instead welcome them as the growing lights of freedom, tolerance, and democracy."

Well said.  Please keep sending your work for the Indivisible Project.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Indivisible: Michael Blasi

Square number 23 was created by Los Angeles artist, educator and friend Michael Blasi:

United We Stand, felt on felt, 2017.

It's a reminder that must stand strong together even when the poop storm is raining down upon us. Check out Michael's website of his wonderful scupltures here. Please keep contributing your squares to the Indivisible Project.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Indivisible: Teena Gainsborough and family

I am so pleased to present square 22 created by the lovely Gainsborough & Cisneros-Sandell family:

Iron on transfer and marker on fabric, 2017.

Shown here are two children from the family carrying their wonderful signs at the Unity March this past November in Los Angeles.  This is what hope looks like; this is what the future looks like. Let's keep working towards a strong future for all families, friends, strangers, everyone! Please keep sending your squares to the Indivisible Project.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Indivisible: Girl Scout Troop 7126

Square 21 says it all: "HOPE."  This work was created by a girl from Kim Hiller Connell's Daisy and Brownie Girl Scout troop of Manhattan, KS:

Water media on paper, 2016. 
(The marks were made not by using a paint brush but through use of various implements such as straws, feathers, cotton swabs, etc.)

We've experienced hope by coming together for the recent marches and supporting each other day-to-day in a variety of ways.  As hard as it is, please keep that hope alive and act on it. Energize others through positive action.  Please keep sending your magnificent squares to the Indivisible Project.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Indivisible: Maureen Lopes

Square 20 is another beautiful work from the New Haven Friends Meeting stitch group.  This piece was created by Maureen Lopes:

Sewing, mixed media on fabric, 2016.

The quote, "Babies are born in the circle of the sun," comes from the song "Circle of the Sun," which has been attributed to folksinger, song writer and educator Sally Rogers. Ms. Rogers is a champion of the arts and music education in public schools. Please keep creating and sending your squares to the Indivisible Project!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Indivisible: Aleta Ash

Square 19 is a wonderful piece created by Aleta Ash from North Carolina.  Please take a close look at this terrific work:

Mixed media on paper, 2017.

This work is filled with uplifting words, phrases, and quotes and is a positive reminder that we are ALL connected: "Hope;" "We Are Better Together;" "We're All in the Same Boat;" "All for One and One for All." After the marches this past weekend, I hope to see even more of actions of unity to come.  Please keep contributing your squares for the Indivisible Project!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Indivisible: Girl Scout Troop 7126

Square 18 is another timely square also from Kim Hiller Connell's Daisy and Brownie Girl Scout troop of Manhattan, KS:

Water media on paper, 2016.

We all need a lot of love right now. Hold tight to each other and keep lifting each other up, no matter how hard it may seem. Please keep sending your squares to the Indivisible Project.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Indivisible: Corrie Gregory

I am so pleased to present the 17th square by LA-artist and friend Corrie Gregory:

Intertwined, water media on paper, 2017.

Indeed, we are all intertwined and connected, no matter the distances between us - let us always remember this. Our actions do impact others! See more of Corrie's wonderful work here, and check out this cool interview with Corrie here.  Please keep your fabulous squares coming for the Indivisible Project!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Indivisible: Girl Scout Troop 7126

Square 16 is another great piece from Kim Hiller Connell's Daisy and Brownie Girl Scout troop of Manhattan, KS:

Water media on paper, 2016.

This piece is especially timely considering all of the peaceful marches that are being organized to happen across the country this weekend.  Please keep sending your squares for the Indivisible Project!  This project couldn't happen without all of you participating.  Thank you so much!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Indivisible: Cathy Day

Square 15 was created by Cathy Day and is another great work submitted by the New Haven Friends Meeting stitch group:

Mixed media (cloth, sewing, 3d components), 2016.

I love the variety of works that are being created for this project.  Cathy's piece has a number of three-dimensional components that bring out the richness of her piece. Thank you all for contributing to the Indivisible Project, and please keep the squares coming!

Monday, January 16, 2017

Indivisible: Susan Tompkins

I love the 14th square - a woven paper piece by Los Angeles friend and artist Susan Tompkins!

Woven Words: A Weapon of Mass Distraction, woven paper, 2016.


As you can see from the detail above, this wonderful paper work is a critical examination created by using quotes from the Pres. elect. Please keep your terrific squares coming for the Indivisible Project!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Indivisible: Mimi Lauducci

I am thrilled to post the 13th square by Los Angeles artist Mimi Lauducci:

Mixed media collage on paper, 2016.

Mimi said she chose hope as her theme for this square. This picture above does not do this rich work justice. Mimi used many layers (painted paper, cloth, etc.) to create a beautifully textured piece.  Please keep sending me your work for the Indivisible Project, and thank you!

Saturday, January 14, 2017

Indivisible: Jaime Ursic

Here is the 12th square, a gorgeous work created by long-time friend, wonderful artist and amazing teacher, Jaime Ursic:

"Unconditional Positive," wool thread on unbleached Belgian linen, 2016..

Jaime submitted her square along with the New Haven Friends Meeting stitch group.  I am so grateful to her for organizing their participation in this project,
and I am looking forward to seeing more of their and your terrific works for the Indivisible project.

Friday, January 13, 2017

Indivisible: Girl Scout Troop 7126

I am so very pleased to post the 11th square - another beautiful piece from Kim Hill Connell's Daisy and Brownie troop from Manhattan, KS:

"Justise," water media on paper, 2016

A terrific piece - Justice for all - INDEED!  The 7-year-old that created this piece says, "It is a Wonder Woman heart." LOVE IT. Please keep sending your squares to the Indivisible Project!

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Indivisible: Susan McGinty

Thrilled to post the tenth square for this project!  This one comes from a wonderful LA friend and supporter of the arts, Susan McGinty:

Iron on, cloth, 2016.

The quote is a great reminder of how a small, good gesture can snowball into something wonderful and larger than ourselves.  Love it.  Many thank yous to all who are participating in the Indivisible project!

Indivisible: Girl Scout Troop 7126

Very happy to post square number 9 - another great piece from Kim Hiller Connell's Girl Scout Daisy and Brownie Troop, #7126 from Manhattan, KS:

 "these harts mean LOVE," water media on paper, 2016.

I love this work.  We all need more love and to give more love, especially now. Remember, children can make squares for the Indivisible Project too, so feel free to share with friends, family and loved ones.  Keep those squares coming, and thank you!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Indivisible: Susan Hackett

Very excited to receive a package in the mail from the New Haven Friends Meeting stitch group!  Here is square #8:

Susan Hackett, "Diversity," 2016.

A big thanks to friend and artist Jaime Ursic for organizing with her stitch group.  The contributions are wonderful.  Please keep them coming, and thank you all again for participating in the Indivisble Project! Upcoming deadline is this Friday, January 13.